
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick

Wife in predicament

Nadine was very thorough and left nothing to chance. That made it sting so much harder when it all went horribly awry.

In the mid-afternoon she sent her husband an innocuous text: 

Hey honey, will you be home by 6? 

Her husband confirmed a few minutes later. She murmured "alright" to herself and started her preparations. She practised her rope ties one last time on the short length on the dining room table: one self-tightening tie for the bedposts, one slightly loose and safe knot for her limbs. 

She went to the bedroom, and set the thermostat to a comfy 26 degrees Celsius so she did not have to freeze in what little she planned to wear. The items were already waiting for her on the freshly made bed. Thigh-length fishnet stockings, leather stiletto heels, arm sleeves that left the shoulders free and only covered the hands partially with an elegant thin strip connecting them to the middle finger, tight latex panties, and of course the main attraction: A leather corset. All items in the deepest black, polished to perfection.

She licked her lips in anticipation, and started to dress up. Off came the shower robe, and on went the kinky gear. Putting on a corset by herself was not trivial, but she already had some practise, and when she was done a few minutes later it constricted her into an impressive hourglass figure. The other items did not give her any trouble, though she had to concentrate to walk in these shoes. They really were only for show, but they came with sexy lacing that prevented them from coming off in the heat of the moment. She could not help but smile in pride at her picture in the mirror. White skin, black leather, and a bed under a blood-red duvet behind her. Clichés are there for a reason: She would look like sexuality personified. Her glee took only a small hit when she checked her ropes. They were somewhat assorted in colour and shape, and she needed too many to limit herself to one colour. It would have to do.

For the next ten minutes, she strutted around the bed, and tied a decent length of rope to every corner and one each side at about a third up. Her preparations complete, she took two phallic objects from the nightstand where they had been waiting. A medium sized butt-plug, and a programmable vibrator that her husband had gifted her a while back. It was fully charged, good for at least two hours on full power, and much longer on a lower setting. She carefully spread a thin coat of lube on both items, and inserted them into herself, giving a tiny groan of discomfort as her holes stretched to accommodate the fat items. The plug in particular gave her some difficulty before she got it in place. It was rather new, bigger than her last one, and she had only used it once before. Then she pulled her panties up fully, holding them in place.

She knelt on the bed and got to tying herself up. First the legs, one rope per knee, and one rope per ankle, spreading her legs wide open. The second knee took quite a while to get done, her unable to sit comfortably, and the plug pushing deep into her whenever she moved. She was glad the vibe was still inert.

Then she prepared the nooses for her wrists. One of them was a standard tie, but the one on her dominant hand was just a fairly simple self-cinching loop with a carefully chosen minimum size (large enough to not hurt her, small enough to not let her escape). It had taken her a couple free days to perfect the setup. 

But before she sealed her fate, she reached down into her latex panties, and after she got over the fact how wet she had become already, she searched for the small button on the vibrator to start it. Immediately it started humming, barely noticeable. Then she put her phone near her right hand, and slipped the rope over her wrist. Nadine hesitated. If she pulled her arm now, she would not be able to get free. Had she left the stove on? The key in the door? She took a deep breath; Or rather tried, the corset making this very difficult. 

With one quick movement, the rope cinched itself. She was now completely helpless. Just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine. She was completely stuck unless someone helped her. She grabbed her phone, and with one thumb opened messenger (conveniently recently moved to the the lower right).

   Hey hon! Come home soon! Miss u! xoxoxo

She leaned back on the soft mattress, feeling the vibrator inside herself buzz teasingly. She had downloaded (and already tested) a "teasing" program, and it would come and go until the battery was gone. Nadine knew it would not let her cum, but it would turn her ravenous and desperate.

Her phone beeped:

    Sorry Babe! Will take a few more minutes! Be with you soon!

"Fuck," she cursed under her breath.

    Plz come soon! I want u!!!

Certainly that would do. It took a few minutes for some replies to show up:

    I am very sorry, but something's come up. 

    Might take an extra thirty minutes or so. 


She checked the clock. One hour extra meant that he would probably skip rush hour at least, and only turn her planned thirty minutes torture into one hour. Again she tried and failed to take a deep breath. She wrote back:

    Alright i wait

She put the phone down on the mattress, and attempted to relax. Her clit was throbbing. She tried to breathe deeply to calm herself, but the corset prevented it. Her ass felt incredibly full and stretched and she regretted not having used the small plug. The vibe happily pulsated inside her cunt, now having found an off-on pattern. 

Ten minutes later her throat was dry, and she was quietly moaning to herself. She felt a trickle of sweat slide down her back. She had been denied and edged for longer, but she knew she was nearing the point where fun turned into light torture.

She wrote again:


It took more agonizing minutes for him to answer:

    No, sorry, darling. This will take much longer. 

    A customer dropped half their database.

She dry swallowed. She wasn't completely clear on what that meant, but it did not sound good.

    how longf?

    Really sorry.

    Eat without me.

    Won't be home until 11 or so.

    NO!! neeed u!!!!1

    Sorry babe, really nothing I can do about it. 

    This is super bad. You would not believe how incompetent some people are.


    Everything okay?


She did not want to worry him, but after a few minutes she had an idea: She switched the camera to selfie-mode to send him a picture of herself, making him change his priorities. Angling the phone to take a nice shot of herself was difficult, and as she stretched and squirmed she felt her grip on the phone slip. With panicked eyes, she watched the phone fall back to the mattress, then bounce and slip, and clatter to the floor.

"FUUUUCK" she screamed. She immediately tried to pull herself free, and then cursed herself for never half-assing anything. She slammed her head onto the mattress a couple times, quite literally the only thing she could move, before calming down again.

She did not want to admit it, but knowing she was royally fucked only made it hotter. The vibrator had worked itself up to a nice speed, and if it continued for a couple minutes, she would probably be able to cum. But did she want to? It would mean she'd have to suffer post-orgasm torture, and she really did not want that. After a couple minutes the frustration had convinced her: She'd try to cum anyway, consequences be damned. She closed her eyes and gave into the buzzing between her legs, focusing on how hot it felt, how the panties held the wetness in place. She did some kegel exercises, pushing and pulling on both toys inside of her, with the latex panties returning them back to their place. She even managed to fuck herself with the plug, and it felt exactly as she liked it most: A slightly too big dick fucking her slightly too slow - pure torture but in a wonderful way. She was so close. Only a little bit more...

And that was when the pattern reset and started at a barely noticeable buzz. She was stuck, wanting to climax, but unable to. Whispering "nonononono" at first, but after a few minutes she just groaned and resigned herself to at least another two hours of teasing torture. She would probably be too numb to cum on the next cycle, but not too numb to want it every second. A whimper came from her lips when she realized she'd spend at least another four hours at the brink of orgasm.

Kai gently put his phone down on the dinner room table, then sneaked towards the bedroom door to watch his writhing wife. He had used the back door to quietly enter the house without being noticed an hour earlier than usual, and caught his wife in the middle her preparation. There was no emergency at the office. He just enjoyed making his beautiful wife squirm. And after she could not bear it any more, he planned to fuck her and make her cum until she passed out.

Copyright 2019-06-24 Blissful Torment

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