After Tesla had made all the money in the world, and bought Novartis, Roche and Pfizer, they turned to the next big project: The (pill)-spring of eternal youth!
When the new super conglomerate got approval on their new Jventix drug in 2036, rich people were thrilled. It did not have significant side effects during trials, and even if it had, they would be a small price to pay for eternal youth. The drug worked by protecting the Telomeres of the user's DNA with a kind of protein shield, preventing them from decaying, essentially stopping the ageing process completely. The news lauded it as a wonder-drug for a good reason. It seemed to even have regenerating effects, returning hormone levels of the users to what they were in their youth, giving everybody energy, power, and a sexual appetite.
After a couple years, whole countries started phasing out their retirement systems in favour of ordering the drug in bulk and make it available to the general population. When reports of the real side effects started surfacing more than a decade after introduction, it was too late to stop it. People would not give it up again. Or rather: Men would not want to, and women did not have the need. It did not seem to have any side-effects on women at all. For men however?
At first the side effects were thought to be impossible, or even invented. After all, who would believe "my dick is huge!" when spoken by a man? Nobody. But that was what happened. The drug made men's cocks grow slowly, but steadily. People having taken it since the start were sporting porn-star sized shlongs at the very least, sometimes vastly bigger. The only reason it took another decade before everybody go to see it on TV was that the earliest adopters had been rich and famous, and were private about it. Thirty years after introduction, "Dick-Fainting" started to become common: Men passing out because their gigantic cocks (sometimes the size of limbs) were taking up all the blood when becoming erect, making the owner faint.
Laws were drafted to prevent people having used the drug for two decades from using heavy machinery or cars, too dangerous for society to deal with. The all but removed health care systems started becoming flooded with new problems: Backpain. Tripping accidents. Heavy items falling onto dicks. Dick getting crushed by closing car doors. Dicks being used in domestic violence cases as bludgeoning weapons. It was so common that "HPR" was a common abbreviation in medical speak: Huge Penis Related.
But worst of all for these men, and at first rarely talked about? They soon found out that sex was becoming difficult. Soon their dicks would not fit their partner's pussies any more, and a weird fetish scene started building which valued wide, stretched vaginas the most (giving a gigantic confidence boost to a minority of women who had been ridiculed before). But that only lasted for a year or two, before most cocks were too big for any pussy.
But of course, there was one man who could not let this slide. Elon Musk. The hero of our age threw all his fortune and fame into a new company: Phryne - And offshoot of the Boring company, it also was in the business of making holes. After working his employees to death over years, it was finally done: He had invented a robotic pussy that felt good enough to pass for real, ran on battery power and was able to pleasure even the most ludicrous dick. The high-end models even came with saline injectors to help with the erection and the blood loss. It was perverted, it was expensive, it was ridiculous, and it was wonderful.
Women? They just fucked the actually young guys, which were the real winners. Normal guys with normal dicks, suddenly being coveted for their youth and sexy bodies (anything looks good compared to a five foot penis). When Elon Musk died in a rocket ship accident, it is said his final words were: "I did it for you, young and shy nerds. Now you get all the pussy in the world."
Originally written 2019-04-23, copyright Blissful Torment.