
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick

Prey and Predator

The desert hides nothing.

Dahlia knew hours in advance what was going to happen. The mule dragging her small wagon would not be able to outrun the three men on horseback she spotted earlier that morning. In the open desert, there was no way she could hide from them, not even if she abandoned her belongings to their plundering. If she wanted to survive, that was not an option, and Dahlia did quite enjoy being alive.

She wasn't looking forward to the inevitable encounter. Well, maybe a little bit. Raiders in these parts were predictable. They'd want to steal her food, her things, and then either take her as a slave, or just let her go. If they were the nice ones, they might not abuse her too much. If they weren't, they'd try to kill her. That would be rather inconvenient. 

When she stopped around lunch time to water her mule, she checked on them with her spyglass. Three men, easily nicknamed Tall, Fat and Thin. Clothed in leather armour and coats against the sun. Pretty well armed, openly displaying large knives and rusty guns. Still a ways out. Exasperated, she blew an unruly red curl away. "Can't those fuckers hurry up?" she asked the vast emptiness. Her mule didn't reply either.

She deliberately took a long break, and reorganized her wagon in preparation to be torn apart. If they found the valuables quickly, they wouldn't cause too much damage.

"Ugh, I look like a cheap whore," she mumbled to herself after stashing her good clothes and putting on the worn but revealing rags she kept around for just such occasions. She did make sure to generously apply dark red lipstick and black eye shadow, before continuing on her journey at a deliberately slow pace.

In the late afternoon, she finally heard them close the last hundred yards in a sprint. She sighed, and steeled herself. At least they hadn't shot at her yet. Tall guy rode up to her side, and gave her a dastardly grin.

"Hello, pretty lady, where are you going?" He smirked. She could hear his companions chuckle. "I believe we can assist you! I'm Silas the Strong, and those two are Levi the Lewd and Bridger the Fatty." An insult was shouted from behind the wagon, but he ignored it. "We're the three Musketeers and we will safely guide your wagon through this terribly dangerous desert!"

She suppressed rolling her eyes, and played along. "Thank you, kind sir, that won't be necessary, I will be fine," she answered, putting on a friendly but simple-minded smile.

"Oh, I wasn't asking," he said, mean turning darker. He pulled out his gun, but kept it pointed to the ground. "We are taking your cart and all your belongings. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." This time she nearly lost her composure. Half a day to think of what to say, and this was what he'd come up with?

"Please, sir, don't hurt me!" she cried out, and stopped her mule, "I'll do anything, just spare me! Anything." She pushed her chest out, and bit her lip.

His momentary hesitation made her wonder if she had just overdone it, but then his mouth widened to a lecherous grin. "Did you hear that, boys? The bitch will do whatever we want!" The other two cheered.

Dahlia climbed off the cart, and the three bandits jumped off their horses next to her. Thin turned out to be a lanky young man just about of age, and Fat was a chubby man in his fourties. Silas grabbed Dahlia by the scalp, pulled out his knife, and held it in front of her eyes. 

"Now, bitch, I'm not going to say this twice. You'll do as I say, or I'll cut you up like a pig." It sounded rehearsed, and he lacked the crazy eyes needed to sell it. Those eyes were already ogling her cleavage. Priorities, eh?

"No, please, I'll be a good girl," she said, making big and teary eyes at him. He dropped the knife to her shoulder, and cut through her clothes. That's exactly why I wore this, she thought, blowing air from her nose.

Her top fell to the dusty ground, exposing her breasts. Silas threw the knife behind him, and started groping her. His calloused hands didn't care for her pleasure, as he kneaded and pulled on her breasts purely for his own entertainment. "You have nice perky tits," he remarked, "just how I like 'em."

From the corner of her eye she caught Bridger starting to undo his belt buckle, so she turned her head and bit her lip seductively. The slap was harder than she expected. "Hey, whore, what the fuck are you thinking? I'm the main event, not Mr. Piggy over there!" If looks could kill, Silas would have been at least crippled by Bridger's expression. The large man was clearly working hard to bite back his rage, and it seemed he would fly off the handle if not for Levi's hand on his shoulder. Those two are friends, huh?

"Now suck my cock like you mean it." He said it to her, but his eyes were on his companion. So much anger. Or maybe jealousy? She turned her attention back to the leader, making sure to look reluctant about it.

Silas dropped his pants hurriedly. His dick was mostly erect. She grabbed it at the base, put her lips around its head, and in one smooth motion took it down her throat until her nose hit his crotch.

The flabbergasted look he gave her was nearly adorable. "Wow, you sure know how to suck dick. You must practice a lot"

If you only knew.

She started quietly bobbing on his cock, making it look rote and boring. After a few seconds she felt hands lifting up her skirt. She wiggled her ass at what she believed was Bridger. A cock pushed against her pussy, so she spread her legs, welcoming it. As it entered her, she enthusiastically moaned her pleasure into Silas' crotch.

Bridger started ploughing into her, and she let him completely dictate the pace. She punctuated every thrust with loud noises of enjoyment, as if it was the best fucking she'd ever had. 3/10 at best, but soon...

Silas roughly pulled her off his cock by her hair. He wasn't happy. "I was wrong," he spat, "you're no good at cock sucking. Turn around, I'll show how a real man fucks."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. She pulled herself off Bridger's cock, but not without giving a last moan as it left her, and turned around. Now that she finally was able to take a look at it, she had to admit that it was a smidgen bigger than Silas'. Perfect.

"Ooooh, you have such a nice cock," she cooed, then licked her own wetness from it, "it's soooo big. I'm not sure I can even fit it in my mouth."

Dahlia jumped as Silas rammed his cock into her. "Fuck you, bitch. That cock's shit and tiny." she heard him snarl, clearly becoming infuriated. This time, she ignored what was happening between her legs, and instead focused fully on getting the big man off. She looked him in the eyes from below, and started making gagging noises, as if she was struggling with his length.

"I'm gonna cum. I-- I'm gonna cum," he stammered, but just before he could, she was brutally pulled off him, and thrown to the side, tumbling down to the dusty ground.

"You fucking traitor," Silas shouted, "She's my bitch, not yours!" 

"You can suck my dick too," Bridger screamed back, frustration at being denied to fill her mouth with his cum giving his voice a shrill edge, "She likes mine, not your shitty micro-penis."

"Oh that fucking does it," Silas snapped, as he turned around to pick his knife up from the ground. "I'm going to cut you down to size, and I'm starting with your balls."

Bridger took a step back, fear creeping into his eyes. "You wouldn't. Wait! She's just playing us!"

Dahlia immediately cut in, voice whiny and needy, "No, leave Bridger alone. I want him!"

With a scream of pure fury, Silas jumped at Bridger. She couldn't help but hold back a laugh as both men's cocks flopped around wildly. The humour ended abruptly when Silas buried his blade deep into Bridger's chest, between the second and third rib. The fat man stumbled to his knees, and keeled over, dead before his large bottom even reached the ground.

Silas ripped his knife out, and turned around to Dahlia, face still contorted with rage. "You're fucking next." He growled at her. "I'm going to..." he never finished his sentence, as a gunshot sounded through the empty landscape. Silas paused, as if deep in thought. Then he spat blood. His eyes were wide with surprise as the light went out of them.

Levi stood there, forgotten by all, with his pants around his ankles, holding a smoking rifle pointed at his former boss. The young lad started trembling, as realization set in. 

"Nice shot," Dahlia quipped.

Levi's gun swung to her, the barrel shaking.

She shook her head. "You're not going to hit me if you wobble like that. Besides," she walked slowly towards him, holding his gaze, until the gun was touching her naked breasts, "it's a bolt-action rifle, and you didn't chamber a new round." She reached forward, and pressed the release lever, dropping the magazine to the ground between them, turning the deadly firearm into a badly balanced club.

Disarmed and still reeling from the events, Levi dropped the gun. "What just happened?" he asked nobody in particular.

Dahlia smirked. "Two men fought over a pretty face," she said, shrugging, "it's not the first time this has happened. They could have just taken turns, but no, there's always a jealous bastard who can't handle a girl wanting to go twice."

"Speaking of..." she put her foot behind his ankle, and pushed against his chest. He toppled over onto his back, unable to keep his balance. She was on top of him in an instant, her hand grabbing his throat, her naked cunt dripping on his stomach.

"They didn't finish the job. But you," she smirked, "are actually rather cute." And you actually have the nicest cock too, she mentally added. 

She shuffled downwards and guided his still (or again?) semi-erect cock between her lips. He was definitely cute, especially as his fear gave way to arousal again. "Have you ever lain with a woman, Levi?" she asked, but she already knew the answer. 

"No, Miss, I haven't," he stammered.

"Then you'll love this," she grinned, pulled his hands onto her breasts, and started moving her hips, pushing him deep inside her. Very nice cock, actually. She rode him until he came, then kept going until she got off as well, until he was begging her to stop, and then a little longer still.

When he came to, all weapons were gone, two horses had disappeared, and most of their luggage, provisions and valuables were missing too. The girl and her wagon were nowhere to be seen. He crawled to where his pants lay crumpled a few paces away, and got up on shaky legs. He pulled his trousers up, wondering if he'd ever see that beautiful face again.

Then he decided not to go back to camp, so as to not have to explain what had happened to the other two. Better to hide how this encounter had gone terribly wrong.

The desert hides everything.

2020-06-06 Blissful Torment

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