
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick


I had a fantasy about you. You had already gone to bed, and I was still looking at the lovely chat we had, thinking about how wonderful it would be to eventually meet up. This is what I imagined it would be like.

You show up at my place. We spend the afternoon sitting in the warm sun on the balcony, chatting, getting used to the different dynamic than texts and video calls. We both know we want more. In the evening, we move to the bedroom. I tie you up. You're a flexible girl, I know, and because this is my imagination, even the strictest bondage is no problem.

You're on your back, legs spread, ankles tied back towards the head of the bed. Your arms above them, going over the back of your knees. The ropes around your wrists keep them pulled to the foot of the bed. It's not an easy position, but you can take it. After I tighten everything, you become completely immobile, and more exposed than you ever were.

I can see how you're breathing hard, nervous, not knowing what's to come, but looking forward to it anyway. I tell you how enticing you look, how wet your pussy is, and how nice it would feel to plunge my cock into it. But I won't. Your smile disappears. You were so looking forward to that. I put a towel under your ass, and grab a bottle. I generously pour the oil on you, covering your abdomen, legs, butt and pussy, massaging it in with my other hand. 

It feels nice and relaxing, at least until my finger finds your asshole. Your eyes widen when I start playing with it exclusively. Soon a finger goes in, working the entrance, getting you used to the sensation. You can put two and two together. You have had plugs and dildos in your ass, and you loved it every time. But they were small things. They weren't a real cock, like mine. I make sure you get a good look at it as I put on a condom. I climb onto the bed, kneel before you, and place the glans against your sphincter. I start pushing forward, without hesitation. No wiggling, no relaxing. Just ever increasing pressure.

You struggle and squirm. My cock's way thicker than anything you ever had in there. You might even beg me to slow down, or stop, but I won't. I give you a mean smirk, making it clear that I know about your discomfort. It's not an accident. It's completely deliberate. I admonish you to relax, or else it's going to get worse and hurt more. I see you clench your teeth as you try to focus on relaxing your body, but the bondage is so tight it makes it all but impossible.

Eventually - finally! - the tip of my cock slips inside, making you groan as your eyes roll back into your skull. Slowly, I go deeper. I can feel how your body reflexively wants to push me back out, and I can see the struggle in your face. It's such a turn-on to be mean sometimes.

Then I fuck you. Slow enough to not be pure torture, but harder than gentle. You just can't catch your breath, as I keep working you. Hands on tits, kneading them harshly, pinching the nipples whenever it seems you're getting used to it. All the while my thrusts speeds up. Soon we're both covered in oil, and I watch some drops of your sweat run down over your smooth skin and disappear as they hit the towel.

I start to breathe heavily. Your hole clenches my cock so tightly, I'll get off without issue. You, on the other hand... We both know you can't cum from anal, and I haven't so much as breathed on your clit. I fuck you as hard and as fast as I can, until you're all but screaming from the overflow of sensations when I cum deep inside you.

If it was realistic, I'd pull out now, but it's a fantasy, so I keep going, not letting you have even a moment of respite. Many minutes of heavy pounding later, when your voice has turned into hoarse groaning and tears are running down your cheeks, I slow down, and pull out.

I remove your ropes, and help you into the shower. You're in need of some aftercare, and I have a hot bath ready too. We sit in the bathtub together, me behind you, cuddling you, and soak in the hot water. I run my fingers over your sore body, finally letting you relax.

The thing is, the fantasy doesn't end here.

The next day evening, we go to the bedroom again. You tell me that your ass is still sore. Instead of being nice and understanding, I order you to turn around and bend over. I get out the oil and condoms. I can hear you moan in fear. You can tell in advance what is going to happen, but some part of you is looking forward to it. Your inner masochist. She makes your pussy throb and drip and clench because it turns her on when I'm mean.

You actually beg me to fuck your pussy instead. It's adorable, because you're no good at it, this being one of the first times I ever pushed you hard to merit begging. I tell you that your pussy will be denied again, and put my cock against your oiled asshole once more. I can see it pucker up as you panic. I pretend I don't care. My cock goes in again, you manage to loosen up more readily after yesterday's practice. After a few thrusts, you're getting loud. The soreness is catching up quickly. I whisper in your ear that I don't even dare touch your clit, so as to not give you a ruin. It only arouses you more.

Afterwards, we shower, we bathe, we cuddle. You tell me you're at your limit. I tell you it will be okay.

On the third day, I have you strip and lie on your back. I put a condom on, and crawl on top of you. You're actually afraid this time. You don't think you can do this again. You're debating using our safeword, but you trust me, and I promised it will be okay. 

I gently put my weight on you, embracing your whole body with mine. You can feel my lips on your ear. I whisper: "Today, we won't fuck. Today, I'm going to make love to you." 

I cradle you, embrace you, and take all the time your body needs. My fingers play over your skin, your nipples, your clit, make you shiver and twitch, my mouth and tongue explore every nook and cranny. I give you the most loving sexual experience you've ever had, until you're breathlessly telling me that you're ready. 

My cock finds your longing pussy, and with the patience of a saint, I thrust it inside. Just missionary position, slowly, lovingly. I fuck you until you have an orgasm that finally gives you relief from all the stress I piled onto you in the last two days. You cum. You cry. It's a good cry, a happy cry.

This time you're just mellow and happy as we bathe.

On the fourth day, when we get to the bedroom, I take off my clothes first. I kneel down in front of you, look up to you with my trademark smirk, and ask: "How can I please you this evening, Mistress?"

2021-03-22 Blissful Torment

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