
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick

Two Masters

I have two masters, Jim and you. It kinda sucks that you're in a different time zone, but I love that I can play with you when Jim's busy. It's not always simple, but we made it work. Jim got a bit jealous at the start, but right now it's going great.

Today, finally, I get to visit Jim. He lives on the same continent as me, so that was a lot simpler. Still makes me fluttery though, meeting him in person for the first time.

He picks me up at the airport, and drives me to his place. He's so good at casually flirty small talk. I wanna jump his bones already.

The lift takes forever to get to his flat. The anticipation is killing me as he fiddles with the keys. He doesn't seem stressed out at all.

He's not faffing about. Tells me to take off all clothes but my t shirt as soon as we're through the door. He gives me a lovely hard look, all eager and commanding. I can't help but bite my lip and do as he says. 

I move up to him, and give him puppy dog eyes, whispering, "Master?" 

He grabs me, roughly turns me around, pushes me against the wall, and lets his hands explore. I'm being groped, it's not for my pleasure, he's just enjoying my flesh and skin for the first time. I close my eyes and moan. I wanna be taken so badly.

My cunt is getting wet. I feel it. Not that it takes much to make me wet nowadays. I've last had an orgasm like ten weeks ago, maybe a couple ruins since. Neither you nor him want me to cum. He sometimes lets me ruin. You just make me edge constantly. It's torture. It's bliss.

He grabs something, and slides it around my neck. Rough leather. He closes the buckle. I swallow so hard it seems constricting. A choker. No. A collar. 

Suddenly Jim says, "Let's call Ramon." What? Seriously? He must be joking?

He drags me over by the collar, and sits me down on the sofa between his legs. There's a large screen in front of us, Skype already open. You pick up the call immediately. It's all going so fast.

You two start chatting, but I barely hear a word, I'm so distracted by his body pressing into my back, and the fact that I'm half naked on screen. Your eyes are fixed on me as you talk to him. You and Jim get along so easily. You must have talked before! I didn't arrange that, when did that happen?

Still chatting, but his hands start running over my body, casually teasing me. First over my shirt, playing with my nipples, making them hard. I catch you saying, "She has such cute nipples," and in response he pulls up my shirt so you can see. I want to turn my face away, it's degrading to be shown off like that! 

Jim grabs my head to turn me back towards the camera, and puts the hem of the shirt in my mouth. "Hold it," he says. I know you've seen me naked before, but I feel like a slave at an auction. A sex slave. It makes me throb.

"Watch what happens if I pinch them," Jim says to you. He pauses. I stare at his hands on the video, grabbing my nipples. Don't make me wait? I want it!

Those evil fingers close around my nipples.  and I pull in a panicked breath, then grunt into the makeshift gag as they squeeze. "So pretty," I hear you say, and after a moment you add, "she can take more than that." We all know you're right. Jim digs his nail in. I squeal a little, but I hold the shirt up like a good girl.

You smile, but after a few painful moments, he relents, and goes back to playing with them more softly.

I close my eyes for a second to catch my bearings, but then one hand goes between my legs. I'm now painfully aware that I've been dripping all over his sofa. I make fists from my own hands, just so I don't interfere.

You two keep talking about your lives, and about what a lovely slut and good submissive I am. I struggle to even look at the screen, it's just so embarrassing to be talked about as if I was absent, but I'm literally in the middle of it. Jim even calls me 'plaything'. It's hot.

Without warning, you say, "Hit her," and I haven't even caught up with the words before the hand smacks my cheek. Hard. It stings like hell and drives tears into my eyes. You've told me before to hit myself, but I couldn't do it. 

I want to say something, not sure whether to complain or thank you, but before I get a word out he pushes his drenched fingers into my mouth. "Shush girl, the men are talking." I obediently clean them with my tongue instead, cheek still burning.

Finally, Jim asks what else he could possibly do with me to entertain you. I just know I want to please both of you.

You say, "I want to watch her face as you fuck her ass."

I swallow drily. I do like anal sex. But I also know Jim's cock is really big. He's shown it to me on camera before. I realize both of them have had me practice with the inflatable buttplug a lot recently. Bastards! That wasn't a coincidence!

Jim pushes me to my feet, then leads me to the bedroom, dragging me by the collar. I stumble behind him, head frizzy with pleasure and pain and apprehension. He all but rips my shirt off, then pushes me down onto the edge of the bed. My knees land on a soft cushion on the floor. So much preparation. My body just flops onto the mattress. There's already an iPad in front of me, with you connected on a video call, but my own face taking up most of the screen. Both my cheeks are very flushed, but one more so than the other.

I feel my head being pulled back by the collar, until I arch my back a little. I can watch myself on the screen. A great close up of tits and face. The collar looks so nice. I wonder what's going on behind me, but then I hear rope sliding through a metal ring on my collar, feel it slide over my thighs, and I can hear him attach it to metal loops on the bed. 

The rope is taut. I can't lean forward or hide my face in the sheets without choking myself. I brace my weight on my arms. Oh fuck, this is not going to be easy at all.

He pours lube on my crack, and rubs it in with his fingers, playing with my asshole, soon pushing a finger in. I want to reflexively move away, but that pulls my head back painfully. The more I push my butt into him, the more comfort I get. Fucking devious.

I feel his body behind me, and I try my hardest to not tense up, but I can't just lie down either! Oh you massive bastards, you're making this hard on me on purpose! I can see you watch me intently on the phone in front of me. You want to see me struggle and suffer. His cock pushes against my sphincter, I can feel it. It feels impossibly large. Fuck. I try to not hyperventilate and panic, because I must relax, or it will be worse.

He does not give me any time or leeway, he just keeps pushing forward, slowly. I squirm and try to somehow get away, but the rope pulls my head back, and it only makes it worse. I know I'm making pained faces. I can tell from your expression, your dirty smirk, how much you enjoy looking at me suffering, and I see my own face in a pained grimace, staring back at me. I can feel my pussy clench so hard I'm nearly edging just from thinking about this.

Harder and harder he pushes, and finally, I feel my ass open up wide enough, very painfully so despite the lube, and swallow his cock. I cry out in protest, but he starts moving slowly, and the sharp pain turns into a gentler, more relaxed discomfort, and then something else. I watch my own face on the screen, first teeth clenched hard, then my mouth opens and I start drooling, losing control over all the sensations. I don't even know if it's pain or pleasure, but it's pure ecstatic sensory overload.

He fucks me, harder and harder, and I keep looking at myself, and at you, and to me it all blurs together. It's like being fucked by you, through him. Both of my beloved Masters pounding my ass so hard it hurts. I hear him grunt from behind, and feel his cock pump cum into my butt. I really want to have my pussy filled. If only you were here in person too.

He pulls out, and I shiver as I feel my ass finally close again. He lets me hang there as I still pant and moan, horny and desperate. I'm still staring at my sweaty and teary picture, arms trembling from the effort. Of course I got denied release, and this was just the first few hours of this holiday. 

You watched it all. I don't know it yet, but I'll be made to look at the recording frequently, living through the embarrassment again and again. I will be enjoying it every single time.

2021-02-21 Blissful Torment

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