No Touch is a lifestyle. At least it is for me. I never touch my clit, and I only ever orgasm when someone else gets me off. Why? Well, I did not voluntarily choose it, that's for sure.
When I made my wish to the djinn, I expected a lot to go wrong, though really not exactly this.
First, I asked for infinite wishes, but the djinn rejected that. Apparently there had been a case of someone doing this in ancient Agrabah, and the resulting clusterfuck of government collapse and civil wars was one of the reasons that region is still politically unstable. They changed the rules afterwards, and now everybody only gets a single wish.
Second, I asked for infinite wealth, but the djinn explained that he was not actually all that proficient when it came to conjuring materials, and with modern finances what it was, I would just get thrown in jail for money laundering. He seemed rather embarrassed and did not want to go into more detail.
Slightly exasperated, I asked what his speciality was. I am smart, I could come up with a great wish even with limitations. He told me he was specialized in love and lust, and I have to admit for a moment I wasn't even sure what to do with that.
I said I wanted to be the best lover, and always make my partners climax completely effortlessly. He nodded, and said this would be possible, and also altruistic, which he approved of. The djinn enchanted my hands, mouth, pussy and even feet to always give immense amounts of pleasure. If I touched a cock or pussy, my partner would start convulsing in a perfect orgasm within seconds.
At first it was kinda cool. Makes for a neat party trick to claim to be able to do it, and then everybody betting against me, only for me to gently put a hand between anyone's legs and see them cream themselves right there and then. A layer of fabric barely made a difference.
About two weeks later I went home from a party for the first time by myself, having not met anyone I was interested in. I tried to booty call a few friends, but none of them were available. I grumbled to myself, all horny and unsatisfied. I would have to get myself off. I had never liked vibrators all that much, and with my newfound powers it had been trivial to find a face to sit on.
When I woke up again five minutes later, head groggy and lying in a puddle of my own juices, I was quite confused. I barely remembered what had happened. My hand had touched my clit, and the following orgasm must have knocked me out. I lied back on the bed, and very, very gently touched myself again. Another blackout later, I was convinced. Touching myself with the intention of masturbating made me climax instantly, but it was so hard and fast that I could not even remember it happening afterwards.
By now I have tried gloves (no difference), vibrators (still hate 'em), and dildos (can't cum from from that). Orgasms that you cannot remember ten seconds later are fucking pointless. I can still grind on stuff, but that can't get me off.
So really, if we want to be technical, I'm now doing No Touch. Probably forever. Fuck.
Blissful Torment, 2020-07-22