
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick


For the first time in my life, I had a bit of an uneasy feeling when I arrived at school. Summer holidays had been ... not so simple. I had to make some ... changes. For example I had gotten rid of most of my piercings, and I wasn't wearing so much make-up any more. I took a deep breath before I got out of my car, trying to calm my nerves. 

As I walked through the entrance hall, I saw a lot of somewhat familiar faces, and also a lot of completely new ones. A couple people met my eyes, but quickly turned away. Did they know? Surely they must.

I passed the stairs leading to the annex, and I felt myself clam up. This is where we had usually hung out. Now none of the people lounging here were known to me. Nearly all of them younger than myself. As I entered the building, I could have sworn I got some dirty looks, though nobody said anything. I could not blame them. I just hoped they would forget soon.

We had been ... troublesome. The four of us, at first glance your average girl clique at school. Except we exceeded the averages in a rather ... unfriendly ... way. One could say we had been a bit aggressive. Violent, even. Well, that's over now. We had really overdone it; Kenzie, Sam and Jenny would not be around this year. Turns out that beating an elderly teacher bloody and setting his car on fire was too much. I only got off with a couple hundred hours of community work because I got cold feet and called 911. At least Mr. Levinson had not died.

I had promised the judge that I'd make real changes, and stop being a bully, or rather, awful person. I can't say I am blameless, but Kenzie had always been the ringleader, and I was just the ... muscle. But I had always had a reputation of losing my temper easily, and with being taller than most guys and having three (even taller!) brothers I had often resorted to violence to resolve my problems. So me getting recruited into a girl gang just to tower over people and look menacing (not hard to do when your hobby is swimming) just kind of happened.

Anyway, that's over now. I found the room for the sociology class that I had signed up for, and plonked myself down, already kinda tired. In the back of course. Nobody wants me to sit in front of them, and I can't just punch them any more.

I looked around, checking if I knew anybody. No. I grumbled at myself; I needed new friends ... or any friends, really. More people came in, one of them seemed familiar. Thin, dark tousled hair, glasses.

It took me half the class before I remembered: Benjamin! The guy (well, one of the guys) that I had bullied. Pretty badly. Actually really badly. What a nerd. A total pushover. No matter how humiliating, he had always given in to my demands without fighting back. And he's shit at hiding. Most of my victims had figured out that if they avoid me, I could not really harass them. But he had constantly crossed my path. I had dunked him in the pool, hurt him, destroyed his stuff, even robbed him. 

Maybe I should apologize. Just as I was thinking that, he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. It took him a second to recognize me, but when he did, his head whipped back around so fast his glasses nearly came off. Dang, I think I broke his last pair. Yeah, I needed to apologize.

Class ended, I speedily grabbed my bag, and strode through the students. It sure was practical that they just made space for me, but it was also an uncomfortable reminder of my infamy. Give it time. Benjamin was quick on the uptake as well, and already scrambling away. Finally I understood why people sit in front: It's closer to the doors. I would not let him get away.

Ten quick steps in the hallway on long legs through the easily parting crowd and I was grabbing him forcefully by the shoulder to spin him around. He looked at me, clearly frightened. 

"Wait!" I said, "I mean..." I let go, slightly flustered. Manhandling was not how you start an apology. I had not done a lot of apologizing until now, but I knew that much at least. "Alright. Hi Benjamin. Do you remember me?"

"Yeeaaahh...." he offered, giving me an extremely cautious look, "You're Mace. I mean, Macy."

I nearly clobbered him over the head for calling me Mace straight up, and I must have shown it, considering how he reacted by flinching and cowering. Instead I closed my eyes and just grumbled to myself.

"You look very different," he said, unprompted.

"Well, yeah... I ..." this was so much more difficult than I thought it would be! "I am trying to ... not ... well ... be less of a bitch." I had to force myself.

He gave me a very sceptical look. "You want to 'not be less of a bitch'?"

"No! Fuck! That's not what I said!" I cursed and stepped up to him, wanting to smack him for making me sound stupid. He stumbled back, into the side of the vending machine, with me towering over him. 

"Kinda is..." he murmured, giving me the smallest possible smile. Fucking nerd just loved being technically correct.

"Uuuugh." I groaned. "Shut up. Listen." I took a deep breath. "I am trying to be a better person. Benjamin, I'm sorry for bullying you so much. I will even pay you back for the glasses I broke." I had the sentence down, but judging from his reaction my body language still needed some work. People had given us a lot of personal space.

He rallied quickly. "Really?" he asked, genuinely astonished. "You're not going to hit me?"

"No, I'm not," I said.

"And you're going to make up for bullying me?" he pushed his luck.

"Yes, I will," I said.

I could see his brain work. He was thinking hard and fast. What would he ask me for? Make me debase myself? Humiliate me in front of everybody? Nudes? Cash? Shit, I should have been more specific. I really did not want to go back on my word, but I also did not want to become like a sex slave or something. 

"So, how about we have lunch together?" he asked. 

I was perplexed. On a revenge scale of 1 to Kill Bill this was about a ... 0.5?

"Lunch?" I checked.

"Only if that's okay! Please?" he nearly fell over himself trying to not offend me. Was he still afraid?

"Why did you say please?" I straight up asked. Was I still on top in this situation?

"Because... well... I did not want to presume," he looked at the ground like a lost dog, "If you're not okay with it, that's alright. I don't want to pressure you."

"You? Pressure... me??" I could hardly believe my ears. "As if that was possible!" I rolled my eyes. Stupid nerd. Why had I even been so insecure? Fuck it! I was the boss here. "We're going to have lunch together," I announced, "And you're going to show up whether you like it or not."

"Yes Miss." He beamed at me.

"See you in two hours." I told him, then turned around on a heel, and stalked off.

Only a minute later I realized: Had he just called me 'Miss'???

I pushed my doubts aside as I entered the cafeteria. All morning I had been questioning the strange exchange I had had with Benjamin. Sure, apologizing is not something I'm super good at, but still. He was... unexpectedly nice about it? The only thing missing had been him saying: "No hard feelings!" - Ludicrous!

Anyway, I scanned the room; easy to do from my natural vantage point. Most people ignored me. Some noticed. Most of those quickly turned their heads back to their meals, trying to not grab my attention. 

There he was! On the far end of the room, sitting with a group of other guys. I walked straight there, having brought a sandwich from home. If I was any judge of what was going on, he was not exactly enjoying his time at that table: The two other guys were crowding his space, and his expression was the definition of discomfort.

"That's my seat," I declared at them, and then added in a snarl: "Fuck off."

"A girl?" replied the guy with his back to me, before turning around in the most condescending manner possible. Then his eyes went up and up my body, until he had to crane his neck to see my face, standing over him, arms crossed and brows furrowed.

"Dude! That's ... Ma-," the other guy broke off under my glare, before I turned my attention back to the one in front of me. His confidence crumbled like sand castle hit by a monster truck. "Yeah, sure, we were about to go anyway," he mumbled.

I sat down on the freshly vacated seat. I could feel some people staring holes into my back. Fuck, it was going to be difficult to change my habits. I turned my attention to Benjamin.

"Thank you!" he said, beaming, "they were really annoying. You know how it is..." He broke off, realizing that I would know not because I got bullied, but because I was the bully. Or maybe because I glared at him. Yeah, probably that.

"Sorry?" he offered, making the expression of a lost puppy.

"What? No! I am sorry!" I interrupted him. I rubbed the sides of my head, feeling frustrated about how complicated it was to be the good girl for once. I looked at him again. He really resembled a sad puppy waiting for his master. Now I felt even more sorry for him.

I tried again, reciting the small speech I had prepared on the way here: "What I meant to say earlier: I am sorry for having bullied you, for having broken your glasses, for ... having the dog pee in your backpack, for pushing you into the pool. Twice. For stealing your clothes from the changing rooms - " 

"That was you?" he interrupted.

Now I was definitely blushing. Half the school had gotten a good look at him. At least nobody made fun of him for having a small dick. Quite the opposite. But socially inept nerd that he was, he never managed to cash in on that fame, at least to my knowledge.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I just continued apologizing. He was definitely entitled to a few more. "We used those clothes to plug some toilets and flood the second floor." It did not sound quite so funny any more.

"Well, having my stuff destroyed sucked, but it's okay," he nodded, "No hard feelings!" I nearly spat my drink out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I demanded angrily. Him being so easy about it was pissing me off. "I tortured you relentlessly for years, and you're just... fine with it?"

He shrugged, "Eh, it was not so bad." He seemed to be honest. Now that gave me pause. 

"What, do like getting ordered around and humiliated?" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Uuuh," he mumbled under his breath, shrugging and blushing. Oh. Oh. Was he bad at avoiding me on purpose?

I looked him straight in the eye. "Answer me. Did you like it?"

He bit his lip, then stared at his food, then looked around the room. He hesitated. I was not stupid, I could figure out what that meant. And I just had an idea on how to make amends.

I bent across the table and glared at him. "Get up, and follow me."

Then I got up, and marched away. I did not even turn around to check if he was coming. I knew he would.

Outside I turned towards the class rooms. They would not be used during lunch break. The second door was unlocked, so I stepped in, and pulled Benji after me, then closed the door. I pushed him against it, and put my hand over his shoulder. I stepped deep into his personal space and stared him down, literally, from above. I was easily a head taller.

"To make up for all the bad things I did to you... Do you want to be my toy?" I growled, "I would enjoy having a... pet." I put my hand around his throat. "I promise to be gentle ... and ... a little mean." I gave him a wicked grin.

He shyly smiled back. "May I call you 'Mistress'?" he asked, extremely quick on the uptake. It's always the shy nerds who have the kinkiest imagination.

"No, you may not," I replied slowly, and his expression started to turn into a frown before I clarified with a smile, "You must." I put some pressure on his throat just for emphasis. He gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes. So adorable.

I leaned my full weight against him, pinning him between the door and my athletic body, l my breasts against his neck (likely a first for him), then I shoved my right thigh between his legs. I immediately could feel his hard cock. I fucking knew it! He was totally into it.

I leaned down to his ear, and murmured directly into it, my lips grazing across his skin as I spoke: "You will call me Mistress. You will follow my orders. You will please me. You will pleasure me. And maybe I'll let you have some enjoyment as well ... sometimes. If you are a good boy." I pushed my thigh hard against his cock and balls, getting his attention, "And those bits? Those go on hiatus. No touching unless I explicitly say so."

I could feel him swallow under my fingers. "No ... masturbating?" he asked, a tinge of worry in his voice.

"No unsupervised masturbating," I replied, "You don't get to cum unless I cum first."

And with that, I started pushing him to his knees. He was not the only one who had gotten extremely turned on by the idea of me having an eager submissive to play with.

He resisted. Of all the things that could have happened, I would have been less surprised if angels and demons had appeared behind us and convened a court of justice in this very class room. 

I looked down at him, thoroughly confused, then felt a cold shiver run down my spine. Was he not consenting? Was I about to rape him?

He looked up at me incredibly guiltily, biting his lip and then casting down his eyes.

"I... I'd like to... but... I don't... I never had a ... girlfriend... I don't know how," he stuttered, utterly embarrassed.

I started breathing again, the horror that had washed over me making way for relief, and then amusement. I grabbed him by the collar, and pulled him up instead, onto his toes. I stuck my tongue out, and licked once all over his lips, cheek and ear, as if marking him. I felt him tremble. Then I whispered into his ear: "That's okay. I'll teach you. You're a nerd, you're good at learning."

"Okay... sorry.... Mistress" He mumbled, shyly avoiding my eyes. But he was smiling.

I pushed his collar downwards, and this time he gave in easily. I pulled his head down between my breasts, and then he dropped quickly as he got to his knees. I turned us around, me with my back against the door, making sure to hold it closed. He had his back against the room, and looked up at me both terrified and engrossed.

I let go of him and grabbed my fly in front of his face, then pulled it down, opening my jeans. I was wearing thin dark-blue panties under them, a remnant of my formerly all-black wardrobe, and I pulled those down as well. His gaze was transfixed at my close-up pussy. I used two fingers to spread it a bit for him, have him get a good look. I could feel how wet I'd gotten, lips sticking together.

He hesitated, clearly in uncharted waters. I put my hand on his head, grabbed his scalp, and reeled him in. Immediately, he started licking and sucking, not really knowing what he was doing, but trying to make up for it with effort. I guided his mouth by pulling his hair in the direction I wanted him to move, and gave him absolutely no choice in the matter if he did not want to be in serious pain. He went all but limp and let me take full control.

Having him lick my slit felt good, but very soon he started to get slow, his tongue clearly not used to the unfamiliar workout. I moved his mouth over my clit, and said, "Suck on it." - and he did. A small moan escaped my lips. That felt a lot better. "Don't you fucking dare stop," I snarled, "you better get used to this." 

It was pleasurable, but his lack of cunnilingus skills really showed, sucking along would not get me off. Taking matters into my own hands, I held his head in place, and started moving my hips. Like grinding on a dick, or on a pillow, but instead I used his face, chin, mouth, tongue, nose. His hands found my thighs, and he steadied himself with them. With my other hand I started playing with my clit. I was watching him from above, somewhat struggling to breathe, skin and glasses getting slick and shiny from my wetness. 

He was watching me as well. Like the nerd he was, he mentally took notes on how I touched myself, and what I liked. I felt myself blush, and I had to admit that I liked how his brown eyes were greedily eating me up. I closed mine, and felt a warmth spread from my crotch. It clenched, and pulsed, and dripped, and with a soft moan, I came. Not a very intense or hard orgasm, but a nice and gentle one. 

I pulled myself back and stood up straight again, still panting, having a closer look at him. His face was a total mess. I had covered him completely, and even dribbled a little onto his shirt. I grinned when I saw his bulge.

"Are you hard?" I asked.

"Yes, Mistress," he answered quickly. 

"Do you want to cum as well?" I followed up.

"Yes! Mistress! Please?" he begged without even being prompted to. But his hands stayed at his sides, waiting for orders.

I put my foot between his legs, and he obediently spread them to make space. I lifted my toes up, and poked at his dick and balls, still imprisoned in his jeans. It got a frustrated groan from him.

"Too bad!" I shrugged while pulling my pants back up, "Since I had to help myself, you're not getting off yet."

If not for years of bullying having me prepared for it, I probably would have given in to the expression he made. Like a puppy dog about the be abandoned. His throat made a small whimpering sound. Was it cruel to deny him his very first chance at a woman getting him off?

Very much. That's what made it so delicious.

Blissful Torment, 2020-01-01, Happy New Year.

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