
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick

Random Act of Blowjob

When I heard of the subreddit RandomActsOfBlowjob I did not think much of it. It has a very simple proposition: People (often gay men, but also sometimes women) offer to give blowjobs to strangers -- no strings attached. What might sound strange to some old-fashioned (or just prude) people really did not surprise me much: Casual sex is great, and sometimes you just want to stick your tongue into a wet pussy or feel a hard cock against your lips, whichever floats your boat, without having to go through all the hassle of dating or a relationship.

I do love getting blowjobs, but I live in Lausanne, a small city in Switzerland, and reddit is very US-focused. Even a cursory glance demonstrated clearly that there were hardly any offers in Europe, the last one over six months ago, and not even by a woman. So I grumbled, but moved on with my day.

I could not quite forget about it, the thought of a stranger sucking me off was enticing me beyond just the act itself. I liked the idea of suprise, of not knowing whether she'd be good or bad at it, old or young, pretty or ugly (though my fantasies of course revolved around sexy women). So I kept checking from time to time whether my city was mentioned.

And one day, it was. "36 [F4M] #Lausanne - Let me enjoy your dick." it said. A couple years older, but the optimist in me was sure that experience beats youth, at least when it comes to giving blowjobs. I wrote her a PM immediately -- that I'd be very much interested, 28 years old with a place in the city she could visit to meet me, and that I had a nice, clean cock in need of a good suck.

Soon, I received an answer: "Sounds splendid. Here are my conditions: You won't touch me, or interfere. I just want you completely passive while I play with your dick as much as I like. If at any point you want me to stop, just say so. I will be fully in charge. Sounds okay?"

If anything, those demands only turned me on more. Now it was not just a normal blowjob, now it was an *intriguing* blowjob. I accepted, and after a couple messages to get to know each other a little we agreed on a time and date the next evening. 

Before she showed up, I made sure to trim my crotch hair very short, have an extra evening shower and clean my flat. It helped distract me from how horny I already was. I feared wasn't going to last long.

I flinched when the door bell rang, nervosity getting the better of me. I could feel my heart thump in my chest. We had not exchanged pictures, and I still did not know what she looked like. I was holding my breath as I opened the door, and then I was unable to say a word. She was gorgeous. Black hair, pale skin, thin dark eyeliner, and the most luscious red lips one could have imagined. Clearly sucking dicks was meant to be her calling in life.

Before I could recover, she said, "Hello, I am Pauline. You're Martin, right?" she spoke with a light French accent. We had already established that she was a local, while I was only here for university. 

I nodded, my throat temporarily out of order. She greeted me by cheek kissing as if this was not our very first encounter. She smelled wonderful, with just a hint of perfume.

I let her in, and wanted to take her long coat, but she smirked and declined. "I will take it off later. I'm not wearing much under it." She winked. I was rock-hard at the thought.

"Do you want a glass of wine?" I managed to ask, pointing towards my living room, with a bottle and two glasses ready. So close to France it was socially unacceptable to not offer a glass of red wine to any visitors. It would have been like not having chairs or running water. Completely unfathomable.

"Yes, thank you, that would be lovely," she answered, and sauntered to the table, her black high-heels clicking on the wooden floor. Even through the heavy coat I could tell she had a nice figure.

I poured us drinks, and we exchanged a couple pleasantries about finding the place, the weather and so on, but after ten minutes she looked me in the eye and said, "Now I want to suck your cock. Do you want that as well?" 

How utterly brazen she was about it only made it hotter. I had never had a sexually pro-active  girlfriend, much less an outright dominant one.

"Yes please," I answered.

She got up, and pulled a chair in the middle of the room. "Take off your clothes, and sit down," she ordered in a calm but authoritative voice. I had expected we'd go to the bedroom, but clearly she had other plans. Awkwardly I shrugged out of my clothes and sat down in the living room chair. Only two things stopped me from feeling embarrassed: My incredible arousal, and the look on her face when she saw my hard cock. Her eyes lit up in delight, and as if she was a predatory animal her tongue darted over her heavenly lips.

"Now spread your legs for me, and grab the chair with your hands," she commanded, and looked me straight in the eye again. "If you let go of the chair, I'll immediately stop and leave. If you interfere or touch me, I'll stop and leave. That cock," she pointed to it, "is mine."

I wrapped my fingers around the back legs of my chair, feeling exposed. She stood in front of me, close, towering over me, and started undoing the buttons of her coat. Every bit that she exposed was bare skin. Only when she casually dropped it behind her could I see her full attire: Thigh-high stockings, a high-cut thong, and a tube top so short it was basically just a silken scarf wrapped around her chest. All in black, made from the thinnest fabric and tight enough to leave nothing to the imagination -- I could even see her areolae. She was not as slim as the twenty-something at uni, but made it up with curves to die for. 

Slowly she dropped to her knees just on front of me, not losing eye-contact. I gripped the chair harder in anticipation. Then she focused her gaze on my cock. It was already throbbing, barely unable to contain the excitement. Slowly she bent forward, and slightly opened her mouth. She kissed the head of my cock.

"Hello, you lovely thing," she murmured to it, "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you." It sounded ominous.

She put one hand on each of my thighs, and pushed them slightly apart, opened her mouth just wide enough, and slipped her lips over the head of my dick.  She pushed her head halfway down the shaft, easily taking the tip of my cock into her throat as if that was the easiest and most pleasant thing in the world to do, and I felt her tongue play over it. She looked back up at me, and slowly started moving her head up and down, lips tight around my cock, slippery and warm.

"Auugh", I groaned as I stared at the spectacle between my legs, then added, "I don't think I'll last very long."

She seemed to chuckle, then sucked very hard, and let go of my dick with a smack of her lips.

"We'll see," she answered, then turned back to her work. She used her mouth to fuck my cock, then kissed it, licked it, fondled my balls with her hand, and after a few minutes I was about ready to explode.

"I'm close!" I warned her, feeling it would be impolite to just cum unexpectedly.

"I know," she answered as she drew her lips back from my glistening cock, giving me a break. She was clearly enjoying herself, and probably wanted a bit more. I took a few deep breaths, and waited for the edge to fade. Soon her tongue was back on my dick, very lightly teasing it.

"I'm close again!" I was soon forced to admit, and she replied: "Ssshh, you don't have to tell me. I know you're close." Again she took a short break, just watching my cock throb. A big glob of precum appeared, and she kissed it away.

I was panting, slightly frustrated now. Within just a few minutes she had ruined all other memories of blowjobs for me by showing me what was possible. Hell, it was better than most sex I'd had. I wanted to cum so badly, but she has stopped again. "Are you... What are you doing?" I asked.

She looked back up at me, tongue still playing over my penis, "I am not planning on making you cum any time soon," she replied, "You can either tell me to stop and leave, or you can bear it. But I won't make you cum yet. Maybe I won't make you cum at all. I haven't decided yet."

I dry-swallowed. I would never dare tell her to leave. I wanted her to continue forever. Her mouth went back over the head of my cock, and I could feel her lips slip up and down over the ridge below the head, with her tongue tickling it as well. It made my eyes water, it felt so insanely pleasurable. Telling her to stop would have been heresy.

I reached another edge, and with all the patience in the world she stopped, and watched. By now I was dribbling precum in amounts that I'd never seen from myself. 

"Fuuuck," I groaned, "Please let me cum?"

"Begging already?" She smirked, "Most guys take a bit longer to get there." As she looked at me I could tell she liked being in charge. She liked making me suffer with pleasure. 

She used two fingers of her right hand to stroke me just the tiniest bit, and I felt myself hit the edge immediately, and she stopped.

"Do you want me to stop so you can jack off?" she asked, a hint of mockery in her voice.

"... No?" I replied, not sure what I really wanted, still quivering from nearly having cum.

Her mouth played back over my cock until I felt another edge take me.

"Because you can always do that," she taunted, "but if you tell me to stop, you'll never see me again."

Before I could answer, her lips were back on my painfully engorged cock, edging me once more. When she stopped, I pressed out: "You want to come back?"

She licked my shaft clean of precum once more, and replied: "I was planning to come here every day, as long as you don't tell me to stop. Oh, and I forbid you from having an orgasm by yourself as well. Trust me, I'll know."

Obviously she'd know. I'd be so pent-up with arousal that a piece of bread would be able to notice the difference if I had orgasmed beforehand. I couldn't even think of an answer. She would give me this unbelievably pleasure every night, but I would stay denied? "I want to... but..."

A couple licks brought me back to an edge, "But what?" she asked, smiling devilishly.

It took nearly a minute before I could reply, voice ragged: "I don't think ... I'll be able to not cum at all ... for more than a few days, even ... without ... this!"

She shrugged, and pushed my cock deep into her warm throat. She stared me in the eyes, watching my expression. Her tongue played over my sensitive glans, getting me closer and closer and closer. I stayed right on the edge for minutes, until finally, I felt myself pass the point of no return, and my cock started spurting cum directly down her throat. She didn't move even the slightest bit. It was the most perfect abandoned orgasm I had ever experienced. 

Reprieve, but no pleasure. Release, but no satisfaction. She pulled her mouth away from my still completely hard dick, swallowed heavily, and grinned.

"See you tomorrow?"

I just nodded, brain barely working.

"Good boy. And do call me Mistress from now on, will you?"

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