
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick


        Can I cum yet? It's been a week!

I picked up my phone. The message was not unexpected, but still completely free of context, or greeting, or small talk. Clearly Nadia was desperate.

No of course not. 

I clearly said you can only cum after you tell somebody about your orgasm denial fetish in person, AND they allow it. 

But that's so embarrassing! 

I can't tell anyone from work!

You know I am too shy to tell a stranger at the bar or something like that.

I smirked to myself. That was the point. Or rather, giving her a technically achievable task that she would never dare do.

Then you'll just have to wait until you're home from your business trip.

Uuugh. I am so horny. I have been edging every evening in my hotel room.

I hope so! After all I told you to!

I was still grinning. She'd be made with lust when she'd come home on Sunday afternoon, and I had been spending all week mulling over what to do with her. Fuck her hard, tease her mercilessly, have her service me, and of course tie her up first to make her pliant. As I was slowly getting hard thinking about it, my phone vibrated again.

Well then you cannot cum either!

I raised an eyebrow. We frequently switched it up, and I did enjoy a bit of denial at the side (even though I'm not quite the edging slut that she is). Intrigued, I replied

So what's my out?

You never get to cum again!

You don't have an out.


You are a bad domme!

Funny, but bad!

But seriously, what's my out for having an orgasm again? 

Because I'm pretty fucking horny right now.

I knew I'd get her on board with the game if I mentioned that I really wanted an orgasm already. That was not a lie, I had spent way too much time with porn (and desperate messages) this week, my FWB not available due to that business trip.

Nadia did not reply immediately. Had she given up, gotten distracted by a work call, or was she thinking?

Hmm, maybe I want you to ruin it.

So technically an orgasm.

A ruin? We went from "never cum again" to "one ruin". Theatrically, I shook my head (even though there were no onlookers, alone at  home): She really needed to work on the level of her demands. Deliberately, I worded my reply to entice her to be just a tiny bit more evil.

I am way too horny to bargain sensibly right now.

One ruin seems like an acceptable price to get to orgasm again.

The reply came so fast it probably had to travel back in time.

Are you saying I could've given you more ruins?

I want to say yes but I don't want to say yes.

So how many ruins do you want from me before I get to cum again?


Yes I think 2 is enough.

I wanted to say 5 but I know that's too much.

I dryly swallowed at the idea of ruining nearly week's worth of orgasms in a row. It would be torture, but somehow it turned me on immensely. Imagining not doing it myself, but having her come over every day, give me a slow and teasing blowjob, and make me dribble a frustrated ruin down her throat every time was giving me a fluttery feeling in my stomach.

We said our goodbyes, she was called by work colleagues to have a drink at the bar, and I, well, I had a task to complete. I browsed through a bit of porn, some stories, some pictures, some short videos, and soon I was very hard and getting close. The fact that I knew I was not properly going to orgasm only turned me on more.

I stroked my cock with one hand, feeling the precum making my fingers slippery, and when I felt the edge approach, I stopped for a moment, not wanting to accidentally go too far. But it was not enough, so I tried again, getting a tiny bit closer. After the third very close edge, I felt a shiver run down my spine, and felt my cock start to pump. I pulled my hands back and gave a frustrated groan as I felt the pleasure immediately die away, my dick just dribbling cum down its length.

A few moments later when I touched it, it felt sensitive and not arousing at all. One down, one to go.  I kinda wished I had taken a video of it for her, seeing it pulse and throb would have made her crazy with need.

I took a quick shower, and went to bed, it was already late. Even though I wasted no time, I did not manage to get there before I was somewhat hard again, thinking of sex and orgasms and ruins. Well this was off to a "good" start.

I sent her a quick message telling her about it and that it had only made me more horny. Her reply sounded just as horny as I felt, and also delighted.

The next day was fairly normal. Got off a bit late because I could not easily fall asleep, very busy at work, had a drink after work on Friday with the guys, then came home, ate some dinner, and when it was about 10 I saw her message:

Not yet done? I would have thought you would get it over with much faster! ;)

Too busy. Now I'm both horny and tired. I think I'll get off while showering. 

You have to ruin first! :P

Yes I know but I am not even there yet!!

I wonder if ruins instead of orgasms keep me horny or if they just make orgasms bad.

I guess it depends on how horny you are.

The quick exchange had already made me rock-hard again. I could feel a spot of precum in my pants. Traitorous penis.

Should I ruin in the shower or now with porn?

If I were you I would be going to the shower to have my ruined orgasm.

So go do that.

Okay, that is the plan then. Wish me luck.

Good luck.

I hope it's a terribly good ruin.

"Evil bitch," I murmured to myself as I undressed, sliding pants awkwardly over erect cock, and waited for the water to get hot.

I got in, quickly washed myself and brushed my teeth, one hand teasing my cock from time to time. Soon I started stroking in earnest, and it took me all of thirty seconds to get close to an edge. Orgasming while standing up had always been kinda tricky for me, but I was already panting. This was going to be utterly trivial. Well, except for the bit where I needed to take my hands off and ruin it. I should never have agreed to this.

I stroked some more, giving some attention on the swollen cock-head, and when I felt myself start ejaculate, immediately let go. A nice spurt shot out onto the shower-curtain, but the feeling of orgasm was nowhere. I was still just on an edge. As I touched myself more, I knew I was not done. Shooting cum from an edge was not common for me, but it had happened in the past when trying to ruin. I took a pained breath and edged harder than before, and was rewarded (or punished) with my abdomen clenching hard, my cock feeling electric hot, and my knees becoming shaky. I watched more cum dribble out of my poor abused dick, slowly leaking from the tip, and getting washed away in the warm water. It was as pleasurable as drinking luke-warm water when slightly thirsty: Completely "whatever".

Still, I felt the full impact of a refractory period. Slight tiredness, clammy limbs, exhausted head. I dried myself off and went to bed, writing her a short summary of what had happened. When I was done I could already feel my cock come back to life. I was desperate.

Oh yay! That was a good ruin!

Yes. I am now in bed and hard again.

I kinda want to get off again, properly this time.

But i could also wait until tomorrow and enjoy the arousal. Also I'm dead tired.

What should I do?

Leaving such a decision up to the dominant partner was always fun. I would enjoy either outcome more if I was ordered to, and she would enjoy giving the order and having it followed. Switchy couples really have an advantage there: We get more fun from anything purely by saying a few magical words around it. Adding a "Please can I?" or a "Yes Master" is like getting a free desert just because.

Yeah I think tomorrow is a good day to cum.

I wasn't even mad. I went to sleep, hard cock and all.

At five in the morning I woke up from noise outside. Some dumb idiot was slamming the doors on his car, on a Saturday morning. I got up from the bed, and went for a pee and a sip of water. Only peeing was incredibly difficult, sporting a rock-hard erection again. Or maybe still.

I was so fucking horny, that when I reached my bed again, I did not even hesitate. I got my cock out, and started stroking it. The ruins had kept my balls somewhat depleted, but had not helped with the arousal level. This must be how my sub felt after a week of edging: Delightfully aroused to the point of annoyance.

I was on the edge within just seconds, and I moaned deep as I felt myself reach the point of no return. And there I did the unthinkable: I pulled my hand away, and ruined my third orgasm in a row without even being prompted to. I wanted to stay like this, perpetually needy and aroused, even if I hated the ruins. It made me squirm and buckle, but I did it anyway.

After a long minute of feeling like an idiot for torturing myself, I cleaned up, and fell back to sleep nearly immediately, but not without noticing my cock stirring again, despite all odds.

I woke up very late on Saturday morning. I checked my phone, and there was a message:

If you have not yet cum properly, wait. 

I don't have reception right now, but I want to be present.

She sure wanted to make me wait, but that was alright. Surely she'd be back at the hotel within a few hours. Though I was confused why she would not have reception. Didn't they want to go on some sort of stupid team-building exercise? Climbing or bicycles or some shit?

I shrugged, and made myself some coffee. I technically had not cum properly, even though she did not know that I had had a third ruin, so I waited. I spent most of the early afternoon idly surfing porn, sometimes teasing myself a little, but not properly edging or even cumming. I was going to wait, and enjoy the orgasm together with her (or possibly see what else she had planned). I took the time to write her about what had happened during the night, but her phone did not acknowledge receiving the message, as announced.

A few hours later, she replied:

That is so hot! I love it! Can you be hard and ready in five minutes?

I looked down at my leaky, rock-hard dick. This was like asking if I was wet while lying in the tub.

Five minutes? Give me zero seconds.

Well just don't cum yet!

I shrugged, but did not really change much. I stayed on the comfy sofa, and browsed some porn. I did not masturbate or edge, because I was pretty sure she'd make me do that anyway.

Then I heard the lock of the front door. What the fuck? I quickly pulled up my pants, not sure who was trying to break into my apartment. Not many people had a key.

The door opened, and Nadia slipped in. Hair a bit of a mess, clothes dishevelled, eyes showing signs of not having slept enough. 

She said, "Event got cancelled. Roger broke his arm. I'm back early. Should I shower first or ..." but she never finished as I had pinned her against the door, and pushed my tongue deep into her mouth, and my hands all but ripped pieces of clothing off her, trying to find her soft white skin underneath, groping at all her nice bits at once. She dropped her bags and returned the embrace. My fingers found her cunt and she was so slick with juices I could not even find her clit.

I roughly grabbed her by the throat as her eyes gave me look of delighted submission, pulled her with me and shoved her over the sofa, ass up, face down on the other side. Neither of us cared about the ripping sound her pants made as I yanked them off, and when her panties came down they dragged a visible string of grool behind them.

She cried out as I rammed my hard cock inside of her from behind, both our frustration and need not giving a fuck about pretence or foreplay. We just wanted to fuck. I ploughed into her grabbing her throat and hair, as she tried desperately to grab onto the couch. Her pussy was hot, tight and unbelievably slippery.

For a moment I thought I should tell her not to cum, but I was much too excited to care. Her moans made it impossible to concentrate on anything but railing her like a jackhammer. She had been edging for a week, and clearly was just as unable as I to think clearly. When I felt her pussy clench around my cock, I felt myself erupt within her, finally achieving that orgasm I had denied myself. The muscles in my crotch spasmed to the point of pain as rope after rope of thick cum shot deep inside her, and her moans turned into cries of ecstasy as an orgasm exploded through her body as well.


Later, we discussed that we really needed to try my earlier idea: She'd be edged and denied, and come over every day to ruin my orgasm. I couldn't wait to suffer through that again, and I think neither could she.

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