
Blissful Torment

Smutty flash fiction and short stories by Carmine Edgewick

The Hero of Ages

I shall tell you the story of the Hero of Ages.

Confusion: The succubi appeared out of nowhere, and declared war on earth.

Fear: It was impossible to hold out against them. Supernatural in all physical attributes, and immune to most mundane weapons they could single-handedly defeat armies, their claws slicing through seasoned warriors like a tiger kills rats.

Despair: Where the demons found real resistance, they resorted to treachery and seduction. No kingdom's ruler could withstand them, much less the common people in charge of guarding vital infrastructure.

Purity: But one woman was able to resist the lure of the demons. She was of pure heart and soul. 

Reluctance: She was no fighter, nor a wizard. Just a farm girl.

Compassion: But she cared for others. She knew she had to act.

Courage: Bravely, she sought out the warlocks.

Surprise: The weapon they created to slay all succubi was a demon-penis, magically attached on top of her clitoris. Every succubus fucked with it would be vanquished in the moment of climax.

Disgust: The idea of having to fuck all demons out of existence was horrific to her, more so if it would bring her pleasure. It was morally wrong to enjoy genocide.

Conviction: But she knew there was no other way to save humanity, so she accepted.

Hope: The succubi could not resist. The moment they saw her, their nature took over. As predicted, on a simultaneous climax, the demons were banished from this planet.

Doubt: But every so often, one of the banished demons would save their soul into the hero's subconscious. Living there forever. Coming out at night, and invading her dreams. The more demons she slew, the stronger and more frequent her dreams turned nightmarish.

Zeal: She prevailed. Despite spending all night being teased and edged in her dreams by a growing army of succubi souls, every morning she fought back the dreams, slew one more demon after another.

Exhaustion: As the last few succubi fell, she knew she could not cope with it. Her body craved sleep, but her dreams turned it into torment. She saved the earth, but her resistance against the demons inside of her took all her strength.

Depression: She was convinced she could not live on like this.

Acceptance: Until she gave in to the voices of lust inside of her.

Bliss: She does not need to resist  any more. She is content to spend the rest of her life in constant pleasure, only waking to take care of bodily functions, and lying back and enjoying the horrible pleasure that hundreds of succubi souls can inflict on her. Some days she keeps climaxing for hours. Some weeks she spends at the very brink of orgasm. She now loves her demons.

Soon, from her mindscape will spawn the next demon world.

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